Sunday, February 25, 2007

LTKA and charity squares knitting

Square 28 (#26): Twisted Columns in peacock & navy:

Two charity projects, all (not surprisingly) squares or rectangles, anyway:

Gracious Parcels: 2 squares (now 4 courtesy of being a slug yesterday evening):

Blanket of Hope: 5 squares/rectangles/strips:

Thursday, February 22, 2007


Yes, I know this is getting monotonous, but bear with me. I really want to get through this blanket.

Square 26 (#24 in the book): Cottage Check in aran & peacock
Square 27 (#25 in book) - The Wave, in that's purple:

Monday, February 19, 2007

finally, a new square

Ok, so my blanket is creeping along - I now have completed 25 squares. I also surprised myself by doing a few squares out of order (OCD much?) but have gone back to trying to finish them in order.

So my 25th square, which is square #23, the honeycomb in navy & that's blue:

Monday, February 12, 2007

new squares

Square 33: Simple cables with moss stitch, in peacock

Square 21: florentine Frieze in aran & royal purple

Square 30: Twisted lattice in aran

Tuesday, February 6, 2007


Square 19: Instant Plaid in burgundy & royal purple
20. Scale quilting in bottle green & palm green (cascade 220)
22. Diagonal Weave in aran & navy

No, there is no mistake here, I skipped square 21, "Florentine frieze" because I need to concentrate on that square and could not do that during stitch 'n' bitch.

stash enhancement

First, the spoils on the Superbowl XLI sale:

1 skein Naturally Nazareth wool in summer
1 skein Eco Wool in red
2 skeins Eco Wool in silver grey
2 skeins Cascade 220 in Hyacinth Purple
1 skein Cascade 220 in Dark Plum

pics to follow

Ok, more squares to show. I am now officially one-third done knitting the Learn to Knit afghan!!!

I have finished 21 squares. Suddenly this project feels less-than never-ending. Unfortunately, I have made zero progress on my other quilt. Must get back on that soon.

Confession time:

I bought yarn on Sunday - ok, it was my stash enhancement day, but I bought yarn I don't even know what I am going to do with. Yarn Garden had a superbowl sale with all yarns priced at 41% off. How can you pass that up? So, I bought three skeins of eco wool and some cascade 220 (5 skeins.) I got to the register, and all that yarn cost me $53.00. I almost bought more. I didn't because we were headed to Yarn Barn afterwards. I ultimately didn't buy anything there - not for any attack of conscience or responsibility but because the sale was disorganized, the store was a zoo, and the line was at least 40 people long. So, I got away with yarn and no strike on the stashalong, but ever since (yes, it's only Tuesday) I have been thinking yarn. Buying yarn, stocking up on yarn...projects for the eco wool - realizing that I should have purchased more eco wool etc. Oh, I can feel a strike coming on. Damn.

Friday, February 2, 2007

more family pics!

Ok, get ready for more cute baby photos (the antidote to today's unpleasant weather)

1. Mom & baby:
2. The sisters:

Baby love. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

squares 17 & 18

I know, I know what a surprise - I'm posting knitting & squares.

Square 17: Woven Tweed, colors: Aran & Bottle Green

Square 18: Hexagons, Colors: Aran & That's Purple