Sunday, January 28, 2007

square 16

Square 16: Double Scroll, knit with Navy & That's Blue. I'm not really sure I like this square, but after the silly mistakes in the last few (which I just left in - what better way to announce this is handmade? That's my story & I'm sticking to it.)

So, this square brings the total to 16 (yes, that is 16 down and 47 to go...):

It is more colorful than I was imagining, and I'm not sure that's a good thing. But I'll worry about that later. It's not as though I think I'll run out of yarn anytime soon.

But, finishing square 16 also means that I have completed two sections of the afghan (knit/purl combinations & mosaic patterns).

Section 1: Knit & Purl Combinations:

Section 2: Mosaic Patterns

1 comment:

Ang said...

I'm dying to see this finished, it looks fantastic!